Celebrating Scottish Engineering Research: SRPe's Inaugural Annual Conference (#srpe19)
From left to right: Professor Dame Anne Glover, Dr Hamid Mughal OBE, Ms Kate Forbes MSP, Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Dr Caroline Cantley.
Last week SRPe hosted its inaugural annual conference. It was a fantastic and fast-paced event celebrating the world-class engineering research taking place across Scotland’s universities.
Following a welcome speech by our SRPe Chair, Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde and President of the Royal Academy of Engineering we had a line-up of inspiring and influential keynote speakers from across the ‘triple-helix’ collaboration of academia, industry and government with Kate Forbes, Minister for Public Finance and Digital Economy; Professor Dame Anne Glover, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Dr Hamid Mughal OBE, Director of Global Manufacturing at Rolls Royce.
The conference boasted an interactive and diverse research exhibition along with exciting presentations from academia and industry throughout the day, showcasing the broad spectrum of leading-edge engineering research being delivered by Scotland’s universities in our strategic theme areas of Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Advanced Manufacturing, Infrastructure & Environment and Engineering at the Life Sciences Interface.
We were also delighted to provide a poster exhibition of our National Manufacturing Institute Scotland Industry Doctorate Programme (NMIS-IDP) projects with the opportunity for the Minister to meet with the doctoral students and their academic and industry supervisors to hear more about the industry research challenges and opportunities addressed by this important programme in advanced and digital manufacturing.
SRPe’s SFC funded programmes supporting European research collaboration-building and postgraduate and early career researcher development were also featured, along with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council funded ‘Inclusion Matters’ projects on equality, diversity and inclusion underway in Scotland.
It was a great day enjoyed by more than 230 delegates from across academia, industry and government / public sector agencies and we are already looking forward to seeing everyone at next year’s Annual Conference in Edinburgh #srpe20.
Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering Annual Conference - The Herald